MOST BEAUTIFUL CITY In New Zealand? Hawkes Bay, Napier 🇳🇿
Today is our first impression of Napier based in Hawkes Bay. This city has a thriving culture full of lovely cafes and local bakeries which you will fall in love with! it also has a very special Artdeco style which was predominantly in the 1930s and because of the earthquake that happened around this time, the city was rebuilt in this specific style.
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2 months ago 01:02:56 1
Падал снегснег! До слез красивая мелодия! Музыка лечит сердце! ЗИМА, ЛЮБОВЬ! Волшебная музыка зимы
2 months ago 00:25:31 4
Одесский троллейбус - Белорусы БКМ 321 в городе. Белкоммунмаш. большое ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ транспорта.
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Tina Turner - What’s Love Got To Do With It (Official Music Video)