Official The Room Launch Trailer

The Room by Fireproof Games Welcome to The Room, a physical puzzler, wrapped in a mystery game, inside a beautifully tactile 3D world. ****** Only for iPad2 and up ****** “... something of a thriller, The Room doesn’t want you to feel safe... what it revealed to us in that time was pretty powerful. The Room knows exactly what it wants to do, which is dish out intrigue, mystery, and unease.“ “...the music pulls you in, the secrets hold you... the mystery is heightened courtesy of some outrageous production values... Each detail is fully realized... this thing is a looker.“ Touch Arcade Preview, August 2012 ****** How are you, old friend? If you’re reading this, then it worked. I only hope you can still forgive me. We’ve never seen eye to eye on my research, but you must put such things behind you. You are the only one to whom I can turn. You must come at once, for we are all in great peril. I trust you remembe
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