The Kabardins (Kabardians) are one of the largest groups of Circassians, and the main ethnic group of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. Numbering more than a half million strong, theirs is a history marked by battles for freedom, honor, and the right to live by heir own traditions.
Featured Kabardian artists include:
Vyacheslav Mastafov- Folk artisan
Madina Khatsukova- Fashion designer
Lyusya Khazaplizheva- Circassian food expert
Aleksandr Pazov- Engraver and metal worker
Zalim Orishev- Director, Malkinsky Stud Farm
Felix Nakov- Leader, The Lone Horseman Group
Anzor Yetisheyiv- Circassian weaponry blacksmith
Kazbek Balkarov- Leader of Khatti Group
4 months ago 00:04:11 6
HAGAUJ (ХЬЭГЪЭУДЖ ГУП) - Shogentsuk Ali. (Щоджэнц1ык1у Алий и уэрэд).