Dulce Pontes *¨* Canção do Mar

Dulce Pontes *¨* Canção do Mar ♪★(HD)★ Fui bailar no meu batel Além no mar cruel E o mar bramindo Diz que eu fui roubar A luz sem par Do teu olhar tão lindo Vem saber se o mar terá razão Vem cá ver bailar meu coração Se eu bailar no meu batel Não vou ao mar cruel E nem lhe digo aonde eu fui cantar Sorrir, bailar, viver, ! ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ TRANSLATION OF LYRICS IN ENGLISH I was dancing in my boat Beyond the cruel sea And the roaring sea And says that I was stealing The peerless light Of your pretty look I want to know if the sea says right Come, see my heart dancing If I dance in my boat I’m not going to the cruel sea And don’t tell you where I was singing Smiling, dancing, living, dreaming about you I want to know if the sea says right Come and see my heart dancing. If I dance in my boat I’m not going to the cruel sea And don’t tell you where I was singing Smiling, dancing, living, dreaming about you!
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