“Чёрное небо“ - короткометражный анимационный мультфильм, посвященный проблеме лесных пожаров во всем мире. Создание этого ролика - наша реакция на новости о лесных пожарах в Сибири 2019 года.
Black sky is an animated short film devoted to the problem of forest fires around the world. The creation of this video is our reaction to the news about forest fires in Siberia in 2019.
Agency: DELAI studio
Director: Denis Voronin
Character designer: Alexandra Sharyapova
Background artists: Artem Kochetkov, Anastasia Tarakanova
Animators: Nadya Gil, Mikhail Kishov, Tatiana Upkhonova, Pavel Savchenko, Tanya Onyushkina
Coloring artists: Alexandra Sharyapova, Sasha Prikhodko, Sofiya Kiyashko, Nadya Krivosheina, Christina Vohmyakova, Inga Shafeeva
Sound Designer: Dan Kositskin