Franz Tunder - Jesus Christus unser Heiland ( III Versus)

Kirill Jankowsky plays: Franz Tunder(1614-1667) - Jesus Christus unser Heiland ( III Versus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is absolutely unique and unusual choral-fantasia. It seems, that Tunder was definitelly more gifted and inventive than Buxtehude And very rarely played by anyone in concert practice. The I and III versuses contains a lot of weird dissonances for baroque organ art. It’ s not realy easy challenge to play or record this long and powerfull work very clear with no mistakes. Here hardest task her is to hear all vertical consonances and to hold everything under control including hidden voice leading inside an octave jumps in III Versus. Another diffucilty here - it’s written very awkwardly for piano standart keyboard. Besides that - the player must hear Cantus Firmus in the upper pedal voice in I-versus. I play this outstanding choral work almost 8 years and f
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