“Girls Can’t Play Rugby”
In the infamous words of Livi Moorbey - “what a stupid thing to say.”
That is why for International Women’s Day this year, we’re championing Livi’s brilliant poem; Girls Love Rugby.
At LooseHeadz, we firmly believe that rugby is a game for all, and that is why we want to continue championing the game at every level, for everyone. We have, in the past, been mistaken as a “men’s mental health charity”, when the reality is that LooseHeadz is for everyone.
This is simple because we believe that rugby truly is a game for all. It doesn’t matter what you look like, where you’re from, who you love, or how (or if) you pray. It doesn’t matter if you’ve played the game for decades or days. It doesn’t matter if you’re eight or eighty. Rugby is home.
And that is why this piece from Livi struck home for us. It’s not simply a token gesture to acknowledge women’s rugby, but an opportunity to challenge stereotypes that have plagued the game, and to promote an area o