Pull Your Focus In | Johnnie Jackson and Branch Warren

#gasp #bodybuilding #destinationdallas #win “You gotta find something in you, that motivates you. If you want something more than you want anything else in life there’s your motivation right there.“ Motivation vs drive. Motivation is surface level and will wane with circumstances around you. Drive is rooted deep inside what you believe yourself to be. If you connect with the WHY aspect of your goals THEN motivation is not a limiting factor LIKEWISE distractions, emotions and anything in your way (people, circumstances, low energy, failures) DO NOT MATTER. “To be the best in the world you have to out work everyone else around you. I did not want to get beat because someone else wanted it more than I did.“ “You have to internalize everything. Your mental capacity has to be 100% focused on what you’re trying to accomplish. You have to think within, not outward. You create your motivation. You create your focus and you ride that lightning bolt all the w
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