4 Little Swans (Swan Lake) || 3 Funny Versions

Four Little Swans Dance (Pas de Quatre) from Swan Lake is probably one of the most famous choreographies in Ballet History. But... have you ever seen THESE funny alternative versions of it? No? Well, relax yourself and enjoy these creative choreographies! Which one was your favorite? - SUPPORT us on Patreon👇❤️ ________________________________ BALLET ACCESSORIES AND UTILITIES *: Balanceboard: Ballet Portable Barre: Elastic Bands for strenght/stretching: Foam roll: Foam Pads: Ballet Foot Stretcher Set: ________________________________ IDEAS FOR A GIFT: Mini Pointe Shoe Keyring: Baller...ina Keyring: Ballet Cover for Airpods: Ballerina necklace: Ballet clock: Pink ballet clock: For requests, feedbacks or infos, or if you think one of these content should be removed for any reason, do not hesitate to contact us at: @ Follow us on: Instagram: Facebook: * This YouTube channel may get commissions for purchases made through Amazon links above. Feel free to use them for supporting this channel.
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