Гидрострелка - принцип работы и сравнение с байпасом. Как правильно подключить?!
Hydraulic separator.
How it works?
Comparison with bypass.
Low loss header on heating systems.
#гидрострелка #гидравлический #разделитель
В этом видео наглядно показана работа прозрачной гидравлической стрелки и байпаса. В воду добавлен специ...
#hydraulic #separator #LowLossHeader
This video illustrates the operation of the transparent hydraulic separator (low loss header) and bypass. A special dye is added to the water, which does not manifest itself until the temperature is below 50 ° C. But as soon as the temperature gets higher, the water takes on a sharp blue color. How the temperature changes when the flow rate of the primary and secondary circuits changes, what is the fundamental difference between the hydraulic separator and bypass, something about the connection and much more.