For Your Entertainment | Full Animash MEP

Okay so where do I start.. a few days ago I took apart my fried laptop and took out my old harddrive and then put it into my new desktop pc, and I have no fucking idea how but the harddrive worked. I recovered like 50 deleted videos and I was literally crying of happiness when I saw Jerrie’s MEPs. I’ve been feeling guilty ever since my laptop died because I had the meps downloaded but I didn’t upload them to youtube as unlisted. I couldn’t be happier now that I have these MEPS back. Unfortunately a few of them are bad quality and I wish I had noticed at the time :/ ah well. at least I have them. I am no longer friends with Jerrie, we have not talked in years. I am only posting these because they are absolutely stunning and the participants did such an incredible job, their work deserves to be shown off and appreciated, and also for nostalgic purposes! I hope you all enjoy these incredible meps ❤ This MEP was originally hosted by Jerrie. I do not have the participant lists.
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