Radagast - Beltane Fire Dance (Celtic Pagan Folk Music)

Radagast Music - Beltane Fire Dance Celtic Pagan Folk Music Beltane is a Pagan holiday, and one of the eight Sabbats. It falls about halfway between the spring equinox (Ostara) and the coming summer solstice, Litha. The holiday celebrates spring at its peak, and the coming summer. This festival is commemorated with bonfires, maypoles, dancing, and performing fertility rituals. Beltane is a Celtic word, meaning “the fires of Bel.” Bel, likely referred to the Celtic sun god, Belenus. It represents the return of the light and, through the hierogamy between the God and the Goddess, a period of renewed fertility and prosperity. Happy Beltane to everybody! Radagast☘️ follow Radagast: to support the project: Subscribe: this music is protected by copyright #beltane #celticmusic #paganfolk #celticfolk #paganmusic #fired
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