Котята снежного барса впервые встречают своего папу - им исполнилось полгода 🎈 [The Big Cat Sanctuary]

Our gorgeous Snow leopard cubs turn 6 months old today! For this special occasion, we wanted to share a key milestone in their development with you all today; the first introduction that the cubs had to their father, Yarko. This introduction is a staggered process; in an ideal world we would like to see our Snow leopards live as a family, but due care must be taken during the introduction process. This started by taking down the separation boards so that the cubs could see dad through the fence line, and we managed to capture some of the first interactions on our camera trap. We appreciate that the quality of this video isn’t our best, however, we couldn’t resist sharing these precious moments. This process is still ongoing and we will, of course, keep you all updated with all the developments in the near future. Happy 6 months Koshi and Khumbu! 🎈
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