Voice: Anjali Kadri
Meaning of the 12 Names of Shrī Gaṇesha
1. Shrī Sumukha - The one whose face is beautiful and auspicious
2. Shrī Ekadanta - He who has one tusk
3. Shrī Kapila - Reddish-brown in colour
4. Shrī Gaja-karṇaka - The one who has elephant’s ears
5. Shrī Lambodara - Big bellied
6. Shrī Vikaṭa - Huge
7. Shrī Vighna-nāsha - The destroyer of obstacles
8. Shrī Gaṇādhipa - The leader of the ganas
9. Shrī Dhūmra-ketu - of smoke complexion
ī Gaṇādhyaksha - The chief of the ganas
ī Bhāla-chandra - The one who has moon on His forehead
ī Gajānana - Elephant faced
Shloka of Shri Ganesh :