EVERY Top 8 List From MTG LAS VEGAS: Edwin’s RB Rock
And we are getting to the last couple of decks from #MTGVegas! Today we will be playing the list that actually ended up taking down the event in the hands of Edwin: Rakdos The Rock. This pile of midrange threats is carried by a card that has taken a bit to come to the forefront of the #modern metagame: Tourach, Dread Cantor. Let’s see how this deck feels through a league!
0:00 - Intro
5:41 - Match 1 vs Lurrus RB The Rock
24:19 - Match 2 vs BW Griefemerate
30:41 - Match 3 vs Blue Moon
1:05:15 - Match 4 vs Mono G Tron
1:19:37 - Match 5 vs Wu Hammer Time
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