Face Tracking XR Simulation in Unity Editor for AR Foundation (ARKit/ARCore) Mobile App: AR Masker

Face Tracking XR Simulation in Unity Editor for AR Foundation (ARKit/ARCore) — Mobile App: AR Masker ⭐ AR Foundation 5 introduces the XR Simulation plugin allowing Testing AR Apps in Unity Editor for the developers, but it doesn’t support Face Tracking for now. So I made my custom solution to test my AR App with Masks quickly. It uses genuine ARKit & ARCore Face Meshes for iOS & Android appropriately with some modifications (you can see in the inspector) to get the correct experience. I’m also cutting eyes and mouth for ARCore version dynamically in the Editor and in the Mobile Runtime to get the same experience on both platforms; ARKit provides Face Mesh without these regions by default. The unified custom shader is used for both meshes to add rotation mechanics for texture: image/photo/video. ARCore mesh looks darker because Google provides such mesh, but on the Mobile Runtime it looks normal. I was unable to achieve the result with normal lighting and cutting regions at the same time for ARCore in Editor. 📚 AR Masker documentation contains the list of Unity Assets which are used inside the app: #made-with-unity 📚 I also created an article which describes the 3rd-party solutions for quick testing AR Apps: 📚 Unity Optimization Tips: #AugmentedReality #Unity #Unity3D #MadeWithUnity #дополненнаяреальность #AR #UnityTips #UnityDev
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