Highlights from the 1st World Junior Wushu Championships, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2006.

Although it was a long time ago, I now have the opportunity through YouTube to highlight my achievements to the whole world. 42 countries took part in this Championship. Three out of four of my students became world vice-champions. The team of Turkmenistan took the honorable 5th place in wushu-sanda. Thanks to the method by which I prepared them, they demonstrated: 1. Proper punching and kicking technique 2. The correct technique of wrestling throws 3. Speed punches and kicks 4. The power of kicks and punches. 5. Accuracy of punches and kicks. 6. Competent protection 7. Used blocks from punches and kicks of the opponent 8. A combination of punches, kicks and wrestling throws. 9. Timely move from one position to another. 10. Deception of the opponent 11. Good reaction 12. Sense of distance 13. High endurance 14. Smart Fight Tactics and much more. You can also learn this is, these are your benefits on my channel. I will teach you how to achieve the above qualities
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