City of Ulcinj - Montenegro, Town of pirates

Ulcinj is the southernmost city at Montenegrin coast and one of the oldest cities on the Adriatic coast. This is town of the tumultuous past and glorious tradition is placed above the rocks, like the ship which sails into sea. Nobody could conquer it from the sea although the sea waves plash it from the three sides. Its history dates back to at least 25 centuries, during which different civilizations are changed, enriching the city with a valuable cultural and historical heritage. During the Ottoman rule a part of the population who lived along the coast was engaged in piracy so Ulcinj was the «capital» of the pirates of the Adriatic Sea. Also during the period of Turkish reign Ulcinj was one of the biggest «market» of the wrecked people in this part of the world. Throughout the XX century Ulcinj had a strong turning point. At this time the Salt factory – Solana and the hotels were built, which made Ulcinj to an economic and tourist centre in the state. Ulcinj is a unique mix of many styl
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