Everything GREAT About Sucker Punch!

Sucker Punch is one of those polarizing movies. You either hate it with the everything in you, or you love it just as hard. I had initially planned on doing Sucker Punch two weeks ago for X-Men Apocalypse to honor Oscar Isaac, but it ended up being more of an undertaking that I had anticipated and I didn’t want to rush this video together and feel like it was unfinished. I already had I, Robot done, so you got that instead! The critics are wrong about this one. Here’s everything right with Sucker Punch. Next week underwater levity, Check out my other videos: EGA Deadpool: EGA Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens: EGA The Avengers: EGA Independence Day: EGA Finding Nemo: EGA TMNT 2014: EGA I, Robot: EGA Gigli: EGA Captain America: The First Avenger: EGA Snow White & The Huntsman: ht
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