La Palma on Super-8, processed with the Filmomat

It is finally possible to process motion picture films with the Filmomat! With the new 8/16mm processing tank, Super-8 and 16mm films (up to 15m/50ft length) can be processed fully automatically: On a recent trip to La Palma I took my Nizo Professional with me and shot a roll of Ektachrome 100D and Vision 50D. Both films were processed by myself at home, using the Filmomat and the new 8/16 tank. Tetenal E6 chemistry was used for the Ektachrome - the Vision 50D was processed in the ECN-2 process using Bellini ECN-2 chemistry. ECN-2 motion picture film is particularly hard to process at home, because it has a very resistant charcoal layer at the back. In motion picture film labs, this so called “RemJet“ is removed by a series of water-jets and rotating brushes. With the Filmomat, most of the RemJet is removed by soaking the Film in the “Prebath“, followed by a series of rinsing steps. Last residues of the RemJet are removed with a soft sponge after processing. You can find more information on Make sure to follow me on Instagram to always get the latest news regarding the Filmomat:
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