Aikido - Yokomen uchi 45°

Aikido seminar Bruno Gonzalez longjumeaux 🇫🇷2023 🎥 Content of the Aikido video: Part 1 / Bokken class : 0:07 Shomen uchi springing forward 0:20 Miror exercise 0::30 Swiping uke bokken with different phases 0:54 Kesa giri 0:58 Do giri Part 2 / aïkido (Yokomen uchi) absorbing the attack with a 45 degree angle : 1:08 kokyu nage 1:25 Hanmi andachi wasa Yokomen uchi kokyu nage letting the uke to come 1:48 Soto kaiten nage (inside entry) 2:12 kote gaeshi 2:41 Ikkyo omote 3:09 your arms movement must encourage your legs to move 3:20 ikkyo ura 3:24 to improve you movement use a more restrictive situation like kata Dori men uchi Don’t pull don’t push the shoulder cut on the point Enjoy the video ! Playlist : Yokomen uchi 👇 TO SUBSCRIBE / POUR S’ABONNER👇
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