Artist: The Douglas Frank Chorale
Composer: Orlando di Lasso (Lassus) 1532-1594
Italian–English Translation below
Matona, mia cara, ----- My lady, my dear,
Mi folere canzon, ----- I want to sing
Cantar sotto finestra, ----- A song beneath (your) window,
Lantze buon compagnon. ----- (A German) lancer (is a) good companion.
Don, don, don, diri, diri, don, don...
Ti prego m’ascoltare, ----- Please listen to me,
Che mi cantar de bon, ----- Because I sing well,
E mi ti foller bene, ----- And I long for you,
Come greco e capon. ----- Like a Greek and (his) chicken.
Don, don, don, diri, diri, don, don...
Comandar alle cazze, ----- Command me to go hunting,
Cazzar con le falcon, ----- To hunt with my falcon,
Mi ti portar becazze, ----- I’ll bring you a woodcock,
Grasse come rognon. ----- As fat as a kidney.
Don, don, don, diri, diri, don, don...
Si mi non saper dire, ----- If I don’t know how to say,
Tante belle razon, ----- All the