Exposing the Corruption of Albo and ASIC!

Extraordinary events have taken place in the past week with Adams and his quest for the truth. Two corruption scandals are developing involving the Prime Minister and ASIC. 1) In the past 24 hours, the Prime Minister’s office has sent a letter to Adams indicating that instances where the Prime Minister was filmed and photographed with alleged criminals didn’t happen, even though Adams has presented these photos to the ASIC Inquiry and that other members of the Albanese Government admit that these photographs and records do exist. 2) There is another corruption scandal involving a high-level ASIC official which is very likely going to break next week in the mainstream media. Adams first learnt this information back in March 2023. Last week, Adams lodged an FOI request with ASIC requesting particular records, but so far ASIC has failed to even acknowledge that the records exist. If they were to do so, this would represent a scandal which would trigger a corruption investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). The stakes in the battle for truth and justice in Australia’s financial system just got even bigger.
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