The Unwelcomed: The Curious Case of Clara Fowler - Mysteries, Mayhem & Merlot

Is evil real? I sit down with Ron Felber to examine the that question, fiction or not. Could evil really influence those so deeply that a normal loving soul does the unthinkable and unimaginable to another human that it shocks you to your core. Could these heinous crimes we’ve seen and heard about for hundreds of years be the works of psychotic psychopaths that play the “The Devil Made Do It” card or is there something more sinister at play? To really showcase this theory or reason… Jack the Ripper, HH Holmes and an exorcism in the “Unwelcomed“ “The Unwelcomed: The Curious Case of Clara Fowler“ won the Maxy Award 2024 BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD Get the book The Unwelcomed here: The Unwelcomed: The Curious Case of Clara Fowler - Mysteries, Mayhem & Merlot Subscribe FREE to Mysteries. Mayhem & Merlot’s YouTube Channel - Email Winnie at myste
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