Tikkurila water-borne paint production in

Tikkurila’s water-borne paint production in St. Petersburg, Russia: New production lines for water-borne paints were taken into use in the Obukhovo site at the end of 2009, and the outdated production lines for water-borne paints were permanently closed at the Utkin site. The new lines mean a significant increase in production capacity and improvement in the quality of paint. Tikkurila’s Obukhovo production site is currently the most modern in Russia and compares well with the European level in terms of production capacity and working conditions. Tikkurila aims at complying with local standards and even to exceed them by, for example, actively developing working conditions and occupational safety. The introduction of new water-borne production lines and the transfer of production to Obukhovo are examples of this approach. Tikkurilan vesiohenteisten maalien tuotantolinja Pietarissa, Venäjällä: Uudet vesiohenteisten maalien tuotantolinjat otettiin käyttöön Obuh
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