Unsu (雲手) kata effective bunkai nr. 1 - Gedan barai/Tate Shuto

This video is from the series about Shotokan Kata in which we are going to demonstrate Unsu (雲手, meaning  “Cloud Hands“) kata Oyo bunkai. Demonstrates by Alexandr Matiushevskij (7 Dan). For the first time we filmed Kata Unsu training. The form is very interesting and not particularly complicated, of course there are difficult elements that are difficult for older people. It is said that the Kata was borrowed from Shito-ryu, and underwent minor changes. Well adapted, unlike some other forms. Unsu is interesting after mastering the basic forms such as the Kata Heian group, Tekki, Bassai, Kanku, Jion. Many techniques and combinations are a logical continuation of the techniques of basic Kata. At the beginning there are 2 Gedan barai (Ryowan gamae) and then 2 Tate Shuto (Kaiun no te). Simultaneous protection in two directions. The Meikyo Kata begins in the same way. Essentially, this is protection from an attack to the lower level and then to the upper one. Kata is supposed to protect against attacks from two sides. In the video, the same technique is used against one attacker.
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