Do Cats Miss Us When We Leave the House?

Does your cat miss you when you leave the house? Do cats recognize and remember their owners? why do cats ignore us when we call them? And, do our cats understand that we love them? Stay tuned as we unpack these topics and more in this video. Do cats recognize us? Your cat not only knows who you are but they can tell you apart from outsiders and other people within your own home. Cats even have a favorite person, preferring the company of one individual over others. Cats naturally feel affection for those who play with them, feed them, or care for them, though they don’t always make it obvious. But remember, research has shown that cats don’t recognize their owners by sight. Human faces may all look pretty similar to cats because cats are colorblind and nearsighted. Instead, cats identify humans based on scent and sound. Do cats learn their own names? A study published in the journal Scientific Reports showed that cats do know their names—even when it is called by a stra
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