(The TRUTH about the German plan for the Jews)

(The TRUTH about the German plan for the Jews) Their solution was NOT the extermination of the Jews, but the deportation of said people.! Under the havarra transfer which was in place right up until the outbreak of war made it logistically impossible, this agreement between judea and the germans ment that tens of thousands of Jews were successfully deported to palastine WITH THEIR WEALTH Intact. When war made this plan impossible to continue, they were rounded up and put into internment camps and put to work. The germans would have restarted the havarra transfer after the war, which sadly didn’t work out The original plan was to send them to the island of Madagascar but the French and British had other ideas so the germans settled for palastine. As long as they were out, the plan suited both the Jews and the German’s. The havarra transfer is readily researchsble, a commemorative coin was even created with the star of David on one side and the Swastika on the oth... Источник: Lord Of War
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