Bach Busoni Chorale Prelude BWV 639 Ich ruf zu dir,Herr
15 Inventions, Chaconne, Partita No2, Toccata e minor and other works are now available on disc Valentina plays
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Recorded in 2017. Schaubuhne Lindenfelz Leipzig Hall. Boesendorfer 280VC
Johann Sebastian Bach Feruccio Busoni from 10 Chorale Preludes, BV B 27 BWV 639 (BV B 27/5)
Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (I call to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ)
Sheet music free download here at IMSLP library:
4 months ago 00:14:24 1
Bach Busoni Chaconne D Minor BWV 1004 Valentina Lisitsa
4 months ago 00:06:36 1
CD-trailer “Five Sides of Fantasy“ by Alexander Sonderegger, released by RCD