Learn to Paint MORNING HAIR MORNING MUG with Acrylic - Paint and Sip at Home - Step by Step Tutorial

VIDEO DESCRIPTION This painting tutorial will take you through easy to follow, step-by-step instructions on how to paint this whimsical image of “Morning Hair, Morning Mug“ with acrylic paint. You’ll learn simple painting techniques that will help you to create this cute painting, possibly inspired by your daily life, with morning messy hair, a big mug filled with a warm cocoa, tea or coffee. Make it a self portrait if you’d like! You’ll learn how to create dimension on the cup with shading and highlights, in the cup with steam billowing up from the drink, and on the wall with a subtle gradient. Create your own masterpiece using yourself as inspiration, or capture the essence of a morning jolt with the large orange ceramic drinking vessel. You’ll learn to paint realistic looking texture in the hair, perfectly percolating coffee or tea and dreamy eyes that are so happy to have this beverage in front of them. Using only 3 brushes and 5 colors we’ll create this conversa
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