Legal Dungeon Official Trailer

Legal Dungeon is a game about organizing police investigation documents. The player reads investigation documents regarding 8 cases such as theft, murder, etc., and then writes the final investigation opinion. During the process of arresting and punishing the criminals, Legal Dungeon will teach the player that apprehension performance is the essence of public safety. Then the player will be able to discern who the real criminals are. This game has 14 endings and 6 achievements, as well as a cute Screen Mate shop. Judge the lives of others and collect all items! 리갈던전은 경찰의 수사서류를 작성하는 게임입니다. 플레이어는, 절도, 살인 등 총 8개의 사건과 관련된 수사서류를 읽은 후 법령과 &
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