Они ссорились, ругались, уходили и расставались... но вновь возвращались потому, что любили по настоящему...

WATCH IN 720p! (it looks the way better!) Vidder: volchiha Title: Stay With Me Song: Stay Artist: Hurts Warnings: none Characters/Pairings: Sawyer/Kate Category: general Summary: “Cause all my life I felt this way, but I could never find the words to say: “Stay“.“ Editor’s Notes: SKATE. FROM ME. I know you can’t believe it. Even I can’t believe it. xD Blame it on the -wait for it- X-Men (yep, X-Men). They inspire me to vid in general. SawyerKate will always be my favourite heterosexual pairing no matter what. I love them already a sixth(!) years. Can you say the same about your otp? DL Link:
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