[S’sS] 10. Diabarha - Seven Years

Track no./Title: 10. Seven Years Genre/BPM: Speedcore/Splittercore 430/860BPM Album: SKRD!!!-128 / Diabarha - Schrödinger’s Soul YT Playlist: Versus / complementary track: 05. When Reflection Spits Background image: SKRD!!! official site: Download: Discogs: SKRD!!! FB page: ~~~ *crash* I couldn’t look at my reflection anymore, so I broke it. Broke the mirror. Now, as they say, seven years of a bad luck will happen, then... If you were going down for a long, long time, don’t expect to go up in one day. The opposite is more possible than that, when you ruin everything in one moment after y
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