TE AMO (SALSA REMIX) | Divan | Salsa | FwM- Choreography by Samantha Valdez-Garcia

Te Amo (Salsa Remix) by Divan, dance fitness choreography by Zin™ Samantha Valdez-Garcia. Thank you Sam for choreographing such a beautiful Salsa for my channel. FwM is a channel where routines choreographed by myself, Michelle Price, and other amazing instructors are shared to the YT community so dance fitness fans from all over the world can enjoy the gift of living a healthier life! Routines posted on my page are tried and true routines that my students enjoy on a weekly basis. Please subscribe and invite friends to join the FwM family and be a healthy influence the world! For more dance fitness videos check out these links #Teamosalsaremixdivanzumba #Zumbasalsa #TeamoZumbachoreography #Teamodivanzumba #zumbafitnesssalsa
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