A proof-of-concept application rendering 3D graphics using a Radeon HD 4000 series graphics card on AmigaOS 4.x. This test is designed to test the Radeon HD driver’s VRAM paging, to make sure that it works properly (which it does).
The test application renders a simple looping 3d animation that overfills the graphics card’s VRAM with textures and vertex buffers. As a result, the driver has to swap buffers in and out of VRAM. As you can see, it handles this just fine, albeit with the expected drop in performance (the momentary pauses that occasionally occur in the video).
For more information, see
NOTE: To see the animation without VRAM paging, check out the following video:
Thanks to hostcove () for helping to record the video at high quality (without pointing a camera at the screen).
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1 month ago 00:12:39 1
2/ Бюджетное и Быстрое - УНИВЕРСАЛЬНОЕ Слоёное тесто ! Получается всегда 👍
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Игра - викторина “Ориентир в мире профессий“
1 month ago 00:04:43 1
Вареники с творогом! Самый простой рецепт теста для вареников и пельменей на кипятке, без Яиц!
2 months ago 00:07:23 1
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⚡️Протесты на Урале! Схватка в ГосДуме! Обращение к Кадырову и Особняк магната
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Пирожки как ПУХ (Готовлю каждую неделю). На второй день еще вкуснее! Самый простой и удачный рецепт!