Living Soul. The Fascinating Bible Meaning for Humans & Animals

A Living Soul. The definitive definition. According to the Bible, both humans and animals are living souls. So what’s the vital difference between them? If you can NOT answer the question, you do NOT know who you are, nor how you differ from an animal or a worm; this is fundamental spiritual and psychological understanding, so let’s get it right. In Genesis 2:7, the phrase nefesh chaya translated living soul in the King James Bible occupies center stage in the entire Bible story. Most Bible readers do not realize that Genesis 1 includes nefesh chaya no less than FOUR times, all referring to animals. That’s right, animals AND humans are nefesh chaya, living souls, if we use the Genesis 2:7 translation. In Genesis 1, The word nefesh (H5315) appears four times in verses 20, 21, 24, and 30, where it’s translated creature and life. It refers to fish, beast, fowl, and everything that creeps on Earth. In other words, nefesh refers to every single living creature God created up un
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