103_video 6

Argentina’s President has marked the 28th anniversary of the Falklands war by insisting that the issue of who should hold sovereignty over the islands is not yet over. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner told at ceremony that the Malvinas as they known in Argentina represent one of the last remaining examples of colonialism. Wendy Urquhart reports. A solemn day in Argentina. Thousands gather to pay their respects. But the issue of sovereignty over the Falkland Islands or Las Malvinas is clearly one that is far from settled. President Cristina Kirchner told the crowds that it was the time to remember those they’d lost. But it was most definitely not a time to forget about Las Malvinas and vowed to keep pushing for ownership of the Islands. (No puede ser) It’s not acceptable she said that the UN resolutions are expected to be adopted by weaker countries while one of the bigger countries has systematically violated one such resolution since 1965. This is what we’re arguing and will continue to argue for on all fronts
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