JP Update 36 - Stargate for Huge SSP craft witnessed at a US Military Base Hangar
In his latest update, JP, who currently serves with the US Army, says that he was part of a small contingent of three soldiers ordered to take military equipment to a hangar at a major military base. He says that after passing through strict security at the hangar, similar to conventional airport screening, he and the other soldiers were taken into the large hangar where they saw a huge spacecraft, that ranged from a C-130 Hercules to two jumbo jets.
Most significant was that at one end of the hangar, there was a huge circular portal device that appeared to show outer space. JP and the soldiers at first thought it was a giant TV screen but then saw another spacecraft approaching the portal, and realized that the spacecraft in the hangar was getting ready to depart through what was a portal or stargate into deep space. They watched in awe as the spacecraft began to levitate and start its engines for take-off.
JP illustrated what he witnessed at the military hangar, and how he and his fellow sol