We Saw Kris Allen & David Cook at Epcot’s Eat to the Beat Concert | MagicBand+ Finally Works Better

In today’s video, we head back to Disney’s Epcot for another Eat to the Beat concert at Epcot’s Food and Wine Festival. The performers this time are Kris Allen and David Cook from American Idol. Tember is a huge American Idol fan so she was very excited to see them! Before the show, we find some cool new Disney/Vans merch! We found a cool shirt and also another bucket hat but didn’t buy the hat haha. We also were able to capture all the golden statues at Epcot with our MagicBand will not as much trouble as we previously had. Still not a fan but at least it worked better. The concert was awesome. Kris Allen and David Cook did amazing. We were able to catch a little bit of the show before the one we went to, then we got to see the 8 pm show. It was great! We had a really good time at Epcot! If you would like to SUPPORT us on our adventures: Stay tuned for another video coming soon. Thanks so much for watching! God Bless!!! If you haven’t yet subscribed, and wouldn’t mind doing so, that would be great! Also, check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and our website to see some additional content. Our Website: Facebook: Instagram: Tember’s Instagram: Alex’s Instagram: Merchandise: TikTok: @thealtemlife?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc #epcot #thealtemlife #epcotfoodandwinefestival
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