|| Kion x Kovu || If You Were Me || Part 3

Hey guys so sorry for the long wait on this crossover but I’ve been busy lately anyways enjoy. Oh by the way I decided not to make Kiara Kion’s sister in this or make her in anyway related to him so no drama and shit in the comments plz about them being bro and sis coz in this crossover THEY ARE NOT. Also plz don’t say “First“, “Second“ etc in the comment section because it is really annoying now and it’s starting to annoy me now. Colour Scene: TLK2 Simba = Simba TLK & TLK2 Nala = Nala TLK Simba (Brighter/Lightened) = Adult Kion Zira = Zira TLK Nala (Brighter/Lightened) and Kiara = Kiara Kovu = Kovu Relations: TLK2 Simba & TLK1 & 2 Nala = Kion’s Parents Kovu & Kiara = brother and sister/siblings Zira = Kovu and Kiara’s mother Kion & Kiara = Close Friends since they were cubs (but Kiara has a crush on Kion) Kion & Kovu = best friends since they were cubs (but Kovu has a crush on Kion) Zira, Simba & Nala = Enemies Storyline: Kion grows up forgetting about Kovu but never wanting to stop loving him (but eventually he has to). One day Kion goes out on his own after years of being fenced in and is seen off by his parents. Meanwhile Zira tells Kovu that he has to kill Simba and his family. He excepts but Kiara does not agree to this and follows Kovu to make sure that nobody gets hurt. Meanwhile Kion is by a lake drinking when Kiara appears having lost sight of Kovu. Kion immediately recognizes Kiara but Kiara doesn’t recognize Kion. After a quick flashback Kiara finally recognizes Kion and the two embrace each other and catch up. However Kovu had noticed Kiara following him and followed her after hiding from her so that she wouldn’t spoil Zira’s plan. Kovu is shocked to find the two embraces and sadness comes over him when he sees Kiara nuzzle Kion and watch as they happily smile at each other. Disheartened, Kovu walks away sad. TLK Simba nuzzling masking credit to Clover Song: If You Were Me Artist: Frightened Rabbit
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