Would you be satisfied if GTA 6 looked like this or would you expect more?

There are many aspects of GTA 5 that GTA 6 should keep, but also many areas that GTA 6 should innovate, refine, and develop. The expectations for GTA 6 are very high, as it is not just a video game, but a cultural phenomenon. To meet these expectations, GTA 6 must be a clear improvement over GTA 5 in several key areas. Here are seven major key points that GTA 6 should boast: - An array of arsenal for weapon and vehicle customization 5 does not offer much variety for weapon and vehicle customization for offline players, and online players have to pay a lot for them. GTA 6 could improve this by allowing more options for personalizing your style, which could enhance your roleplaying experience. - Officials servers for possible improvement over GTA 5’s version of GTA Online would be to have Official roleplaying servers rather than third-party mods. - Enhanced movement and stealth 5 has two major problems that could be easily fixed in the next game: the awkwa
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