Full Live Stream – Mayapur Mellows – 10th December 2023
Sunday, 10th December 2023
0:00:00 | 30 min | Naimi Devi Dasi
0:29:00 | 30 min | Doyal Gauranga Das
1:01:00 | 30 min | Manju Madhavi Devi Dasi
1:32:00 | 90 min | Visvambhara Das
3:02:00 | 30 min | Hari Narayan das
3:33:50 | 30 min | HH Niranjana Swami
PLEASE DONATE: If you feel inspired to sponsor one of the Mayapur Mellows Kirtan Nights, please UPI your donation to 8327387851@icici (if you are donating from within India) or contact us on Instagram or Facebook. We feed 200-400 devotees hot prasadam (dinner) after each event and want to offer you the highest production standard possible.
Put aside your struggles of the week, turn off the busy distractions of your phones and simply take the time to listen to the Lord entering your ears – listen closely – and sing with all your heart in response. MAYAPUR MELLOWS Kirtan Nights is an opportunity to dive deeper into the waves of the Holy Name. This event is put together in the service of the Mayapur Kirtan Community. It takes place Sundays between Kartik and Kirtan Mela and is dedicated to all the devotees that come together solely to chant the Holy Names of the Lord. Look out for the next upcoming dates and live-streams on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.
Your Mayapur Mellows Team
Vrindavaneshvari dd & Hari Kirtan das, Gourangi Gandharvika dd, Pradyumna das, Dhruvananda das, Dhanesvari dd, Visvambhar das, Varaha das, Dina Chaitanya das & Karuna dd.
Tech Crew: Madhu Mangal das (MaPa), Govinda das, Vijay das
Location: Kanai-Balai Assembly Hall, Jalangi Dham, Mayapur
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