Synopsis: The Palashakopians are the native, estrogen-powered people of ZINGDEED, a mystical land of otherworldly deer-like super beings. Their world is dramatically altered when their leader sends the pack to a planet called Earth to rescue a lost soul.
Music: AWOLNATION - “Sail“ & “Burn It Down“ (InnerPartySystem Remix) / End Credits: Au Reviour Simone - “The Winter Song“
**We own the rights to the choreography, not the music. This falls under “Fair Use“ as no revenue is being generated from this film. Purely for entertainment.
Equipment Used:
Cameras: (Two) Canon 5D Mark 2, (One) Panasonic HVX 200, Losmandy Spider Camera Dolly, & (Three) 6’ Dolly Tracks
Editing: Final Cut Pro, After Effects, & Magic Bullet
Premiered January 14, 2012
The Sweat Spot
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Find more info at:
The Cutting Room
The Pin-