An angel on earth || Loki - forever loved and missed 💔

† Today we want to share this video for our extraordinary horse Loki, that touched our lifes deeply for a short time. It was way too short. We are still in shock and deep grief. Thank you very much for your honest and deep compassion, for those who have already read about our loss. This carries us through the time right now. When we met Loki for the first time, we knew that this horse is extraordinary in many ways and has a very kind and old soul. Every day with him was a joy and blessing and I am very thankful I got to know him. It’s so hard to realize, that Loki isn’t here anymore. My heart shouts for answers: “WHY?“ But I stop searching, because there is no answer. It’s like looking for air in vacuum. As you might know we were on a trail ride through the Austrian mountains with our horses the last week. As the mountains are, life is an up and down. After a week with bright and beautiful moments it suddenly became very dark for me/us.
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