GOD TIER ways to use COLORS - With Craftworld

Masterclass on how to use colors with help from Aleksandra and Marko from Craftworld, all done while painting the bust EIRA from the Squidmar Kickstarter! 🖌️ Pre Order Squidmar bust and brushes: Check out Craftworld on their Patreon and instagram: 🏆 Support me on Patreon: 👍 Squidmars website for full list of gear I use: 👕 Order Squidmar Merch: 🖌️EU/UK hobby store affiliate - Reference code for extra store credit: EMI7383 Amazon Affiliate Links to stuff i use(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases you do after following this link - at no cost to you): Canon M50 (the cameras i use) USA: UK: https://a
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