Просто Протяни ЛАДОНЬ! Заряди Руки ДЕНЕЖНОЙ Энергией | Самая Мощная Частота ИЗОБИЛИЯ и ПРОЦВЕТАНИЯ
This special cosmoenergetic music resonates with the cosmic energy of abundance and prosperity. When listening to the frequency of abundance, it vibrates in harmony with the universal laws of attraction and prosperity. It is believed that using the runic formula “Code of Well-being“ can open the door to luck and success in all spheres of life.
The listener will be able to change their perception and accept broader opportunities for financial success and material well-being. While listening to this video session, hold your palm up to the screen of your mobile phone or tablet. If you have turned on the video on your computer or TV, you can put your hand on the screen. Then relax and feel the powerful vibrations of the universe filling your palm with a stream of energy!
After the first full listening, you will harmonize with the energy of the universe and eliminate all the blocks and obstacles that prevent prosperity! And after 11 days of listening, you will be able to connect to
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Просто протяни руку (Contemporary dance, modern)
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11 years ago 00:02:58 57
Благотворительный концерт в доме интернате для престарелых и инвалидов «Протяни свою руку»