Pompeii New Discovery: The Blue Room That Shaped History Discovered

#pompeii #discovery #newdiscoveries Pompeii New Discovery: The Blue Room That Shaped History Discovered Valuable Information about the new discovery in the Ancient City of Pompeii Hello dear viewers! Today, I will tell you an incredible story that stands out from the dusty pages of history and sheds light on our day. Are you ready? Because this is not just a story of discovery, it is also a time travel! ’Blue Room’ Discovered in the Ancient City of Pompeii! Yes, you heard right. Archaeologists in Pompeii, Italy, during ongoing excavations, have discovered a blue-painted chamber that predates the collapse of the volcano eruption. This chamber was found in the Regio IX site in central Pompeii and is currently considered one of the most active excavation sites. Blue Colored Mystery This blue room is painted a rare color and its walls are decorated with frescoes of female figures. Archaeologists think that this room was used for pagan rituals and storage of sacred objects. The color blue was a color used only in places of great importance at that time. A Treasure Chest Italian Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano called Pompeii “a treasure that is still completely undiscovered.“ And this discovery is part of a large-scale excavation project that uncovered 13 thousand rooms in 1,070 houses. Discoveries Never Stop Recently found artifacts include blue walls decorated with hand-crafted gold details, oil lamps and three decorative boxes. These findings indicate that the house was renovated before the volcanic eruption. Witnesses of History While Pompeii was a vibrant city with approximately 15 thousand people, it was suddenly destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. It is estimated that this disaster caused the death of 16 thousand people in the city and surrounding towns. And the Last Word Friends, these discoveries remind us once again of the mysteries and riches of the ancient world. Each new excavation opens the doors of the past for us and we take another step into the depths of history. If you liked this video, please don’t forget to press the like button and subscribe to my channel. I’m waiting for your comments, see you in the next video!
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