Check your six pack in the mirror after 14 days/Abs challenge 💥

It is an abs workout routine that can feel the satisfaction of burning your abs. You can have a six pack in 2 weeks with this traditionally popular abs workout routine. A slim waist and toned hips are also a bonus. #absworkout #abs #six pack “Get ready to sculpt your six-pack abs with this intense and effective workout routine! Discover expert tips and exercises to target your abdominal muscles and strengthen your core. From crunch variations and planks to leg raises and Russian twists, this video guides you through a comprehensive ab workout. Combine these exercises with a healthy diet and fitness motivation for optimal results. Say goodbye to flab and hello to a defined midsection! Don’t miss out on this transformative journey to achieve those coveted six-pack abs. #SixPackAbs #AbsWorkout #CoreStrength #FitnessMotivation #AbdominalExercises #HealthyDiet“ ⏱️ All videos are most effective when repeated 3 times in 1 set. ⏱️ If you find it difficult to complete the exercise, try increasing the rest between movements by 5 to 10 seconds. 00:00 Sit-ups 00:51 Twisting Crunch 01:41 Lying Floor Leg Raise 02:32 V-up 03:23 Lying Straight Leg Raise 04:13 Weighteed Leg Extension Crunch
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