War machine ultimative tribute

Thanks for watching. AC/DC - War machine Avatar Matrix Revolutions Transformers , Revenge of the Fallen Iron Man , Iron Man 2 Terminator Salvation Battlestar Galactica Daybreak: Part 2 District 9 Star wars attack of the clones , revenge of the sith Multi tribute to all robots, droids , mechs ... I dont own any movie and music in this video. 0:00-0:03 District 9 0:03-0:05 Terminator Salvation 0:05-0:09 Transformers 0:10-0:14 Iron Man 0:15-0:18 Matrix Revolutions 0:19-0:22 Star Wars Attack of the Clones 0:23-0:26 Battlestar Galactica 0:27-0:32 Avatar 0:33-0:35 Transformers 0:36-0:38 Matrix Revolutions 0:38-0:39 District 9 0:40-0:41 Battlestar Galactica 0:42-0:52 Terminator Salvation 0:53-0:56 Iron Man 0:57-0:59 Star Wars Attack of the Clones 1:00-1:03 Transformers 1:04-1:05 District 9 1:06-1:07 Terminator Salvation 1:08-1:09 Iron Man 1:10-1:12 Avatar 1:13-1:
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