Dark Journalist - Peter Dale Scott: Deep State COG Doomsday Network Threat

DARK JOURNALIST EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH UC BERKELEY PROFESSOR PETER DALE SCOTT: COG DEEP STATE SUSPENSION OF THE CONSTITUTION! “We live under a Constitution that’s living under something else: Continuity of Government!“ UC Berkeley Professor and influential Political Research author Peter Dale Scott comes out of retirement to join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt in an exclusive interview on the dangers of the Deep State and Continuity of Government (COG) unconstitutional emergency powers. He cautions the public that the 2020 election may become a battle for the future of humanity and freedom. THE DEEP STATE Scott coined the terms Deep State, Deep Politics, and Deep Events to help describe a hidden governance structure that has been controlling public policy behind the scenes in American politics. He describes the Deep State as a “deep political system which habitually resorts to decision-making and enforcement procedures outside as well as inside those publicly sanctioned by law.” COG DANGERS Scott’s work
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